Old Newspaper articles During the Japan-Korea merger era, Koreans kidnapped or abducted Koreans.
ラベル(Extra care)が付いた投稿を表示しています
Extra care, System revision, Women are given the right to inherit the head of a family.
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Extra care, consultation Consult the police immediately for the oppression of the Korean landlord.
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Extra care, System revision, A light shines on the night woman.
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Extra care, waitress The gospel to the Korean woman's waitress.
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Extra care, licensed prostitute A system of salvation for Korean prostitutes.
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Extra care, Railway A new railway with a short cut will be completed in the year after next.
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Extra care, school Increase schools to educate children in Manchuria.
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Extra care Korai pottery Succeeded in recreating the Korai pottery.
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tenant farmer By the governor-general of Korea, many tenant farmers were able to have farmland.
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