
4月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

Brothel Comfort woman Recruitment

volunteer, Seniors go to school as all the junior students volunteer.

conscription system Marching in the city thanks to the implementation of the conscription system.

Extra care, System revision, Women are given the right to inherit the head of a family.

Extra care, consultation Consult the police immediately for the oppression of the Korean landlord.

Extra care, System revision, A light shines on the night woman.

Extra care, waitress The gospel to the Korean woman's waitress.

Extra care, licensed prostitute A system of salvation for Korean prostitutes.

kidnapping, 裴家一族, Koreans kidnapped 14 people, including rural girls.

Coal miner, The money that Korean coal miners earn is huge.

kidnapping, Koreans took out the housewife of a wealthy house and could not find out.

Sōshi-kaimei Setting of family name is free. Do not misunderstand that it is a compulsion.

volunteer, Recruited honored volunteers. 79,600 people

kidnapping, The boss of former casual employment group of Busan Prefecture was arrested. 釜山

System revision Release what is prohibited in Korea.

kidnapping, Human trafficking, Koreans kidnapped women and sold them to the Manchuria area.

kidnapping, Vicious Employment Placement Business Providers are doing as they like.

Extra care, Railway A new railway with a short cut will be completed in the year after next.

Extra care, school Increase schools to educate children in Manchuria.

kisaeng, 処女貿易 The kidnapping devil of the "virgin trade"

kisaeng The Kisaeng and barmaid reserve forces have increased.

kidnapping, The whole family kidnapped rural daughters.

kidnapping, 河允明, Kidnapping method.

kidnapping, 河允明, Kidnapping devil 河允明.

Extra care Korai pottery Succeeded in recreating the Korai pottery.

kidnapping, 裴家一族 河允明 人肉市場 (Human meat market) The police caught the remnants of the kidnappers who were hiding in the provinces.

an editorial kidnapping, 河允明 Korean Kidnapping devil goes wild.

kidnapping, Human trafficking, 第二河允明, Koreans kidnapped more than fifty virgins and sold them to Manchuria, North China.

kidnapping, Human trafficking, 第二河允明 Koreans kidnapped and sold over a hundred rural virgins.

measures, adopted daughter, 中国人 Absolutely Prohibits the adoption of Koreans by the Chinese.

measures Kidnapping Human trafficking 河允明, Brothel, Resell to foreign countries one after another.

kidnapping, rape, 河允明 kidnapped more than a hundred virgins.

measures Human trafficking, Crackdown to vicious Employment Placement Business Providers. 紹介業者

measures kidnapping, Human trafficking, Kidnapping cases occur frequently. 多発

kidnapping, 河允明 A hand of kidnapping up to Shanghai and North China.

kidnapping, Human trafficking, A kidnapping witch sold off 65 virgins. 河允明 魔女

measures illiteracy Eliminate the illiteracy. 文盲

measures bad smell Clean up the bad smell of Pyongyang. 平壌

kidnapping, Human trafficking, Korean kidnapped a Korean virgin from a Korean good family. 満州

measures venereal disease Various sexually transmitted diseases are widespread. 性病

Excavation and Research Solve the mystery of a society.

kidnapping, Human trafficking, A witch who has kidnapped wives or girls and sold it to a brothel. 魔女

Measures, Research, kidnapping, hotbed, employment agency,

kidnapping, A kidnapping devil pretended as a lady.

volunteer A pure young man who could not become a volunteer and committed suicide for disappointment.

volunteer The applicants rushed in at once.

kidnapping, Human trafficking, The price for one girl is 6.5 yen.

notice The Governor-General of Chosen gave notice of knack that is "get your views across to your superiors".

research material Archeological research materials.

kidnapping, Strictly crack down on The kidnapping devil targeting women in disaster areas.