Old Newspaper articles During the Japan-Korea merger era, Koreans kidnapped or abducted Koreans.
4月, 2019の投稿を表示しています
volunteer, Seniors go to school as all the junior students volunteer.
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conscription system Marching in the city thanks to the implementation of the conscription system.
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Extra care, System revision, Women are given the right to inherit the head of a family.
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Extra care, consultation Consult the police immediately for the oppression of the Korean landlord.
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Extra care, System revision, A light shines on the night woman.
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Extra care, waitress The gospel to the Korean woman's waitress.
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Extra care, licensed prostitute A system of salvation for Korean prostitutes.
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kidnapping, 裴家一族, Koreans kidnapped 14 people, including rural girls.
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Coal miner, The money that Korean coal miners earn is huge.
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kidnapping, Koreans took out the housewife of a wealthy house and could not find out.
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Sōshi-kaimei Setting of family name is free. Do not misunderstand that it is a compulsion.
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volunteer, Recruited honored volunteers. 79,600 people
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kidnapping, The boss of former casual employment group of Busan Prefecture was arrested. 釜山
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kidnapping, Human trafficking, Koreans kidnapped women and sold them to the Manchuria area.
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kidnapping, Vicious Employment Placement Business Providers are doing as they like.
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Extra care, Railway A new railway with a short cut will be completed in the year after next.
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Extra care, school Increase schools to educate children in Manchuria.
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kisaeng, 処女貿易 The kidnapping devil of the "virgin trade"
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kisaeng The Kisaeng and barmaid reserve forces have increased.
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kidnapping, The whole family kidnapped rural daughters.
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Extra care Korai pottery Succeeded in recreating the Korai pottery.
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kidnapping, 裴家一族 河允明 人肉市場 (Human meat market) The police caught the remnants of the kidnappers who were hiding in the provinces.
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an editorial kidnapping, 河允明 Korean Kidnapping devil goes wild.
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kidnapping, Human trafficking, 第二河允明, Koreans kidnapped more than fifty virgins and sold them to Manchuria, North China.
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kidnapping, Human trafficking, 第二河允明 Koreans kidnapped and sold over a hundred rural virgins.
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measures, adopted daughter, 中国人 Absolutely Prohibits the adoption of Koreans by the Chinese.
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measures Kidnapping Human trafficking 河允明, Brothel, Resell to foreign countries one after another.
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kidnapping, rape, 河允明 kidnapped more than a hundred virgins.
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measures Human trafficking, Crackdown to vicious Employment Placement Business Providers. 紹介業者
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measures kidnapping, Human trafficking, Kidnapping cases occur frequently. 多発
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kidnapping, 河允明 A hand of kidnapping up to Shanghai and North China.
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kidnapping, Human trafficking, A kidnapping witch sold off 65 virgins. 河允明 魔女
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measures bad smell Clean up the bad smell of Pyongyang. 平壌
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kidnapping, Human trafficking, Korean kidnapped a Korean virgin from a Korean good family. 満州
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measures venereal disease Various sexually transmitted diseases are widespread. 性病
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Excavation and Research Solve the mystery of a society.
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kidnapping, Human trafficking, A witch who has kidnapped wives or girls and sold it to a brothel. 魔女
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Measures, Research, kidnapping, hotbed, employment agency,
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volunteer A pure young man who could not become a volunteer and committed suicide for disappointment.
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kidnapping, Human trafficking, The price for one girl is 6.5 yen.
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notice The Governor-General of Chosen gave notice of knack that is "get your views across to your superiors".
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kidnapping, Strictly crack down on The kidnapping devil targeting women in disaster areas.
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